If you have an eBay account, you have probably been notified that eBay has been breached and you should change your passwords.


How could this have happened?  The bad guys used their favorite tool — spearphishing.  In an interview with USA Today,  JD Sherry, vice president for technology and solutions for Trend Micro, a computer security firm said that is it likely the attackers used spearphishing to steal the data.

“It’s extremely stealthy,” Sherry says. “These are carefully crafted slow and low attacks that try not to tip off corporate computer security.” Such breaches can remain undetected for months, allowing hackers to collect massive amounts of data.

How can users avoid being tricked by the spearphishers? Using SP Guard, IT can determine a list of trusted senders and provide this information to staff in a simple and highly effective manner.

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