Google Discovers — People

Google, in association with the University of California, San Diego, has released research which analyses spearphishing attacks against gmail accounts from 2011-2014. The researchers found that the success of a spearphishing attacks ranged from a low of 3% to a high of 45%.  The researchers determined that the greater the effort put into the targeting of the message, the higher the probability of a successful attack. The researchers made this observation regarding financial scam attacks: Thus, despite the appearance of simplicity, in reality, the scam emails are well-formed and thought-out in a way to maximize efficiency by preying on known human physiological [...]

JPMorgan Chase Braces for Spearphishing Attacks

Following the compromise of contact information such as names and email addresses for 76 million individual customers and 7 million small businesses, JPMorgan Chase is preparing for spearphishing attacks against its customers. . Followers of Iconix know what spearphishing is -- the bad guy sends an email that pretends to be from a trusted sender.  The recipient clicks a link or opens an attachment and bad things happen.  When that attack targets bank customers, the obvious bad thing is a compromise that will steal the victim's money from the compromised bank. Fox News reports a list of other bad things the bad [...]

2018-04-05T12:54:01-04:00October 10th, 2014|Consumers and Email, Iconix Truemark Service, Phishing|

Windows Security Twisted to Block Security Tools

TrendMicro is reporting that bad guys in Japan are abusing Microsoft's security functionality, Software Restriction Policies, to disable security tools. The malware, termed BKDR_VAWTRAK, searches for commonly used security applications.  If a security application is detected, the malware modifies the registry keys such that Software Restriction Policies will run the security software in a restricted state -- rendering it useless. The malware is distributed using malicious emails and compromised websites.  This malware is being used to facilitate unauthorized banking transactions in Japan.  Quoting TrendMicro, [The Japanese] National Police Agency mentioned that the current estimated total cost of unauthorized transactions suffered by [...]

What’s A Logo Worth?

With all the attention of hacking and malware and badguys, we sometime lose sight of the branding side of Iconix, our Truemark service. The core issue in branding emails and identifying trusted emails is the same -- reliable identification of the source of the message. In our SP Guard security offering, knowing who sent the email helps recipients avoid being taking in by deception.  In the Truemark service, we put senders' logos in the inbox to extend consumers' engagement with the brands they love. How valuable is a brand?  Do consumers really care about brands?  From a fascinating infographic by [...]

2017-01-07T17:35:15-05:00April 15th, 2014|Consumers and Email, Iconix Truemark Service|

Your Bleeped Up Brain

The cable TV channel H2 is running a mini-series on the human mind - Your Bleeped Up Brain. The series is truly fascinating.  While we think our heads contain a highly precise computer, it turns out that the ball of matter inside our heads is good at navigating life, but not very good at discerning fine details out of a complex environment. For those us of in the cybersecurity world, the last episode - Deception - is particularly interesting.  In Deception, the show presents several examples of how the brain takes incomplete or inaccurate information and completes the story to [...]

2018-04-05T13:20:49-04:00August 6th, 2013|Iconix Truemark Service, Phishing, SP Guard, spear phishing|

Spearphishing Tricks — Everyone

The Los Angeles Times is reporting that new research from the State University of North Carolina shows that people are easily deceived by targeted emails.  The researchers found that although people were aware of how spearphishing worked and confident in their abilities to avoid deception, people were, nevertheless, deceived. Before taking the test, 89% of the subjects said they were confident that they could spot spearphishing emails.  When put to the test, just 4 of the 53 subjects were able to correctly spot the spearphishing messages. More than half of the test subjects missed more than half of the fake [...]

DMARC Goes Live

Yesterday, released the new DMARC standard for email.  Contributors to the DMARC standard include Agari, American Greetings, AOL, Bank of America, Cloudmark, Comcast, Facebook, Fidelity Investments, Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft, PayPal, Return Path, TDP, and Yahoo!. DMARC stands for “Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance.”  DMARC provides important extensions to the existing email authentication standards by providing automated and standardized methods to process messages that fail email authentication. DMARC explains the significance of this enhancement: A DMARC policy allows a sender to indicate that their emails are protected by SPF and/or DKIM, and tells a receiver what to do if neither [...]

Zappos Hacked: Customers Beware Phishing Scams

It is being widely reported in the press that an estimated 24 million Zappos user accounts have been compromised. Mashable reports: Robert Siciliano, a McAfee consultant and identity theft expert, says he expects whoever hacked Zappos’s site will now sell the data to people who run phishing scams. “They’ll sell it 10,000 accounts at a time, short money, like $100,” he says. While hackers don’t have complete credit card numbers, Siciliano says there’s enough information for a hacker to approach affected users as either Zappos or the credit card company and then ask them for more data — the classic [...]

2017-01-07T17:35:24-05:00January 16th, 2012|Consumers and Email, Iconix Truemark Service, Phishing|