Yesterday, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder announced the indictment of five Chinese military officers accused of committing economic cyber espionage against the United States.

Eric Holder

You can download the indictment here.

Sun Kailiang

The indictment describes what “hacking” means in the context of Chinese cyber espionage:


The indictment continues by providing details of the anti-forensic tactics used by the accused to evade detection.

Your personnel will receive deceptive emails.  Your security hangs in the balance when an employee decides to click a link or open an attachment.  Telling employees to avoid suspicious emails is good advice.  The attackers use this same guidance — that is why cyberattackers use social engineering to craft emails that are not suspicious. IT must intervene in the email processing decision.  That is the role of SP Guard.  Using SP Guard, IT can determine a list of trusted senders and provide this information to staff at the moment the person is deciding to click or pass.  In the SP Guard environment, staff can, for example, easily distinguish a trusted HR email from a spoof HR email.

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