Iconix, Inc., the industry leader in visual email solutions, announced today that it is streamlining its icons.  The target release date is early December, 2010.

Since December of 2005, Iconix has marked legitimate email from thousands of companies with this logo, which we call the Check-lockSM:


  In the inbox the presentation looks like this:

 check-lock inbox

Many of our users told us that when several Check-locks are present, the Check-locks are too dominant in the display.  We take user comments seriously and explored alternative marking schemes which could be more subtle yet still quickly convey integrity.  After testing several alternatives, we settled on a simple, smaller green check mark.


This is the same inbox with the new streamlined icon:

checkmark inbox

As you can see, the sender’s identity shines through and the integrity indicators are still noticeable.  This should make it even easier to find what you want while ensuring that the messages are legitimate.  We are confident that you will like our new icon.