
Compromise Monday – Now What?

Last week saw an inauspicious beginning to Cybersecurity Awareness Month with user data compromises announced at: The American Banker Association, number undisclosed T-Mobile, 15 million, over 2 years ending Sept. 16, 2015 Scottrade, 4.6 million during late 2013 and early 2014 Patreon, the crowdsourcing website, 2.3 million users Now you are aware of Cybersecurity. What next?  You can't fix your vendors. You can have some more free credit monitoring to augment the free monitoring you got when Anthem lost your records, or Target, or Neiman Marcus, or The Office of Personnel Management, or [fill in the blank]. Let's look at how credit monitoring [...]

2017-01-07T17:35:10-05:00October 5th, 2015|Consumers and Email, Cybersecurity - General|

Chinese Hacking Secrets Revealed

The secret behind Chinese hacking has been revealed by ThreatConnect. CNN Money reports: The hackers' techniques don't sound very sophisticated: They send innocent-looking emails to unsuspecting recipients, whose computers then get infected with malware that trawls for sensitive information. This graphic from ThreatConnect shows the key role played by spearphishing. Source: ThreatConnect This simple technique is devastatingly effective because it is easy to create an email that deceives users into taking the actions desired by the attackers. In its September 24, 2015 first page story, "Sleuths Link Hacker to China’s Military," the Wall Street Journal describes how a spearphishing email [...]

2017-01-07T17:35:10-05:00September 25th, 2015|Cybersecurity - General, SP Guard, spear phishing|

Iconix Issued Seventh U.S. Patent For Email

ICONIX, Inc., the industry leader in visual email solutions, announced on September 15, 2015, that the United States Patent and Trademark Office has issued Iconix's seventh patent titled "User interface for email inbox to call attention differently to different classes of email." The abstract for U.S. Patent 9,137,048, dated September 15, 2015, states: "Sender emails have their Truemarks (icons) displayed in the sender column of a list view” and “fraudulent emails have a fraud icon displayed with a warning in the sender column.” Technology from this patent is used in all of the Iconix® offerings, including the Iconix Truemark® service, which [...]

Sun Tzu Explains Cyberwar 2,500 Years Ago

The US Government does a very good job of technically securing its systems. There is rarely a report of attackers compromising US Government computers through technical exploits. So, how do attackers do it? A recent report in The Hill describes how Chinese and Russian cyberwarriors are using the same tactics to cyberattack the United States Government. What are these common tactics? Spearphishing emails. Why would two adversaries adopt identical tactics? About 2,500 years ago Sun Tzu, the Chinese general, strategist and tactician, wrote what is considered by many to be the definitive work on military strategy and tactics -- the Art of [...]

2017-01-07T17:35:10-05:00August 28th, 2015|Cybersecurity - General, SP Guard, spear phishing|

Phishers Steal $100 Million

Federal authorities have shut down a ring of hackers who used techniques such as phishing to infiltrate newswire services to gain access to corporate press releases. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson briefs the press, flanked by U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman and SEC Chair Mary Jo White. The indictment alleges how the hackers users used phishing to infiltrate the newswire services and how they used anti-forensics to evade detection for five years. Using these press releases, the criminals were able to quickly place trades before the public had access to the information. For example, the SEC alleges: At times, the hackers and traders [...]

2017-01-07T17:35:10-05:00August 12th, 2015|Cybersecurity - General, Phishing, SP Guard, spear phishing|

Pentagon Spearphished

The Pentagon has been infiltrated by a spearphishing attack that targeted the Joint Chiefs. CNN is reporting that the unclassified email system used by 4,000 users on the Defense Department network has been down for more than 10 days following a sophisticated cyber attack that used spearphishing to compromise the system.  Sources suspect that the attack came from China or Russia and are pointing the finger at Russia because of details of the attack that differ from typical Chinese attacks. Quoting CNN: All of the required cyber protection and patches were in place, but the attack still was able to [...]

2017-01-07T17:35:10-05:00August 7th, 2015|Cybersecurity - General, SP Guard, spear phishing|

Spearphishing? Deciding Isn’t Easy

Part of the fallout from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) data breach is the need to provide identify protection services to the millions of compromised government employees. In its efforts to provide these services to compromised federal workers, the OPM contracted with a private company.  That contractor, CSID, sent an email with a link to enroll in identity protection services. ArmyTimes reports that acting upon warnings from the Army Threat Integration Center, Fort Meade's Cyber Security Network Defense Team identified a message from CSID as a spearphishing attempt. The Fort Meade Cyber Security Network Defense Team warned Army personnel to "close the message immediately and [...]

2018-04-05T13:14:43-04:00July 29th, 2015|Cybersecurity - General, Phishing, spear phishing|

Fake State Department Email Attacks Reporter

Yesterday, Aaron Boyd, a reporter at the Federal Times, wrote that someone tried to plant malware on his system through the use of a fake State Department email. Mr. Boyd reports: Among the many emails waiting in my inbox this morning was one that seemed to come through a State Department .gov domain address. It purported to be a fax from a State Department machine, containing a PDF file...Getting an unsolicited email or document isn't that unusual in the day-to-day of a reporter. However, the link to download the document went to a .org site (not the actual State Department site) [...]

2018-04-05T12:17:34-04:00July 22nd, 2015|Cybersecurity - General, SP Guard, spear phishing|

OPM- OMG! Update 2

OPM Director Katherine Archuleta resigned last week in the wake of the loss of millions of personnel records. Here’s the latest tally of lost records according to the Washington Post: Of those whose data was in the OPM background-check system, 19.7 million had applied for a security clearance. An additional 1.8 million were spouses, family members and other non-applicants, officials said. Also exposed were 1.1 million sets of fingerprints, detailed financial and health records, and computer usernames and passwords that applicants used to fill out their security-clearance forms online. Meeting with reporters last Thursday, FBI Director Comey said, It is [...]

2017-01-07T17:35:10-05:00July 13th, 2015|Cybersecurity - General, SP Guard, spear phishing|