Tomorrow (October 8, 2013)  the United States will have a brand new $100 bill.


Why do we need new money?  Because bad guys spoof money (also known as counterfeiting).  Nobody wants counterfeit money.  That is why it is important that people who are not Secret Service Agents are able to quickly and accurately distinguish real money from counterfeit money.  This requires two things —

*  features that are hard to spoof
*  features that are easy to find

You can see these features at the interactive note.

Counterfeit money and spearphishing rely on the same basic function — deceiving people. Similarly, defending against spearphishing requires tools that mimic the tools that defend against counterfeiting —

* features that are hard to spoof
* features that are easy to find

The tool to fight deception in the inbox is SP Guard. Using SP Guard, IT can determine a list of trusted senders and provide this information to staff in a simple and highly effective manner. This is an inbox with the SP Guard security features.

sp guard inbox

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