It is being widely reported that the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal were the subjects of cyberattacks that compromised their networks.  These attacks appear to have infiltrated the networks with spearphishing emails.  CNN quotes Thomas Parenty, a former employee of the U.S. National Security Agency:

To do a spear-phishing attack of this kind is a well-established move in attacks against Google and various U.S. defense contractors from China. You could say the tools are sort of stock-in-trade.

How bad is this problem?  Secretary of State John Kerry, at his recent confirmation hearings, said foreign cyber-threats are “the modern day, 21st century nuclear weapons equivalent.”

Foreign Policy provides an interesting discussion of the pervasive nature of the ongoing cyber threat facing the United States.

While these attacks are widespread and vary considerably in their targets and their malicious code, they have one thing in common — they infiltrate the target by using emails that masquerade as trusted senders.  SP Guard from Iconix provides the ability to distinguish real email from spearphishing attacks. You can contact us at 408-727-6342,ext 3 or use our online form.
