Three Months Later, State Department Hasn’t Rooted Out Hackers. This headline from yesterday’s Wall Street Journal speaks volumes about cyber security.  Back in November of 2014, it was discovered that someone had compromised the unclassified email system of the U.S. State Department. Since that time, a process which Iconix calls “The Chase” has played out in which the good guys try to remove the bad guys from systems while the bad guys undertake to maintain their evil presence.  In this case, the National Security Agency is chasing Russian? infiltrators.

NSA Director

NSA Director Adm. Rogers

How did these hackers get into the State Department’s systems? The Journal reports:

Investigators believe that hackers first snuck into State Department computers last fall after an employee clicked on a bogus link in an email referring to administrative matters, a type of attack known as a “phish.” That loaded malicious software onto the computer—a common hacker trick that has worked in countless corporate and government breaches.

SP Guard from Iconix defends against deceptive emails by interrupting the social engineering that attackers rely upon.